Changes to the employment of foreign nationals from 1 July 2024. - Key information for employers
From 1 July 2024, significant changes regarding the employment of Ukrainian nationals in Poland came into force, under an amendment to the Act
From 1 July 2024, significant changes regarding the employment of Ukrainian nationals in Poland came into force, under an amendment to the Act
Jeśli jesteś pracownikiem Agencji Pracy Tymczasowej lub sam takową prowadzisz, doskonale zdajesz sobie sprawę z tego, iż delegowanie do pracy
Among the wide range of clients of our law firm are also temporary work agencies, dealing with the posting of temporary workers to work on the territory of the
Can we count on important and significant facilitation measures for foreigners coming into force in 2023, which in
On 24 February, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres summed it up this way: This is the saddest
The unplanned changes in the law resulting from the outbreak of war in Ukraine have raised many questions. You ask me not only about the legal situation
No one is surprised anymore that people migrate to other countries to seek better wages and working conditions. W
Polish employers can benefit from the freedom to provide services in Europe. They have the possibility to post their employees to Member States where, according to the
PESEL dla cudzoziemca w Polsce – temat kontrowersyjny, gdyż tyle ile urzędów skarbowych tyle samo interpretacji. Kiedy cudzoziemiec otrzymuje PESEL?
Każdy przedsiębiorca działający na polskim rynku zauważa, że palącym problemem jest obecnie brak „rąk do pracy”. Praktycznie w każdej branży
We have extensive experience in cross-border and international cases, as well as comprehensive legal services for foreigners. As an International Law Firm, we have been operating successfully for many years, working with specialists in various fields of law.
We speak Polish, Russian, German, Spanish and English.
We specialise in international law, offering comprehensive legal services to companies and individual clients in Poland and abroad.
Our areas of practice include commercial, corporate and labour law, with a focus on the needs of German-speaking businesses.
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