The situation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany - what does it look like now?

In view of the current situation in Ukraine, Germany has introduced a number of measures to make it easier for Ukrainians to come and stay in Germany. All information can be found on a specially launched portal: Germany4Ukraine. However, we will try to list the most important information in this article by way of explanation, what the current situation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany is like. 

We invite you to read on.

What is the current legal status regarding Ukrainians in Germany?

Due to the current situation in Ukraine and the massive influx of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war, Directive (EU) No. 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 declaring the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC and resulting in the introduction of temporary protection (hereinafter the "Directive") applies throughout the European Union. 

However, it is implemented with some variations in each EU country. 

The situation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany - what does it look like?

Ukrainian refugees arriving in Germany and having their domicile or permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 are accepted regardless of whether they have a biometric passport. A visa is also not necessary.

In view of the applicability of the Directive and the wording of the § 24 Aufenthaltsgesetz (Residence Act), refugees from Ukraine are granted a special protection status. Consequently, they are not required to apply for asylum. However, such a possibility exists until 31 August 2022. After this date, Ukrainian refugees should apply for a residence permit. However, applications should be submitted before this date.  

Consequently, the following persons are granted a residence permit in accordance with §24 of the Residence Act: 

  • Ukrainian citizens who lived in Ukraine before 24.02.22,
  • persons who held a protection status in Ukraine as stateless persons or beneficiaries of international protection before 24.02.22,
  • czfamily members of the first two groups of people, even if they are not citizens themselves Ukraine.

Where to report upon arrival?

If you have any doubts about how to legalise your stay after arriving in Germany, you can go to the nearest information point for Ukrainians. Such centres have been set up in practically every major city in Germany. You can also obtain the information you need from the border authorities, e.g. the "Bundespolizei" (Federal Police) or on the website: 

In the first instance, you must apply to the Ausländerbehörde (Aliens Office) - for an Aufenthaltgenehmigung (residence permit). 

You will then need to go to your local Jobcenter (Job and Benefits Agency) to claim benefits. 

These offices should be staffed by people whose job it is to facilitate communication for Ukrainians. Otherwise, officials in Germany mostly communicate in English. 

Situation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany - entitlements for those under temporary protection in Germany

Beneficiaries of temporary protection have the following rights in the host country: 

  • the performance of employed or self-employed work; 
  • access to adult education, training or access to the education system for children and young people under the age of 18; 
  • the right to medical care; 
  • entitlement to social benefits; 
  • The right to adequate accommodation or financial support for accommodation.  

As of 1 June, refugees from Ukraine can receive the kind of benefits German citizens entitled to receive. They are mainly talking about Arbeitslosengeld or Sozialhilfe (unemployment benefit or social allowance). In addition to this, they must have a residence permit or at least a residencecertificate of legal residence (issued by authorities at the border).  

Those fleeing the war in Ukraine, in order to obtain the above benefits, should apply to the Jobcenter (Employment Office), where they can submit the relevant applications. 

Access to benefits under the German Social Code has clear advantages: refugees receive higher monthly monetary amounts, additional benefits for single parents and pregnant women and regular health insurance. They also receive access to intermediary and counselling services Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency).  

Refugees from the Ukraine who work in Germany or have stayed in Germany for at least 15 months are also entitled to Kindergeld (child benefit). An application for this benefit must be submitted to the local Familienkasse (Family Fund). Students who have come from Ukraine as refugees are entitled to BAföG (Student Loan). You should apply for this benefit at the Studentenwerk (Student Affairs Office) at the university.   

Can German be learnt and how?

It is generally possible to attend a state-funded German language course. Depending on your level of language proficiency, you can take an integration course or a vocational language course. 

Those who have just arrived in Germany and do not speak German have the opportunity to take part in the so-called Erstorietierungskurs (EOK) (First Orientation Course). It consists of six lesson units of 50 hours each. The aim of the course is to orient newcomers from outside Germany to the basics of life in Germany, as well as familiarising participants with the German language to the extent necessary to function in society.  

As part of this course, outings to local offices, markets etc. are organised. The tutors familiarise the participants with basic documentation and procedures for dealing with the most important matters. In order to register for such a course, you must apply to the institution offering it in your state. A list of such providers can be found on the following website: BAMF 

Refugees who already know the basics of German can take the Intesivkurs (intensive course), which comprises 430 lessons. To do so, you must first submit an application to the Bundesamt für Mirgration und Flüchtlinge (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) - BAMF - for admission to such a course. Link to the application below: Application to BAMF.

Once you have been certified by the BAMF to take such a course, you should apply to your local Jobcenter or other institution offering such a course. To find a list of such courses, simply go to: BAMF - Navi.

How to obtain medical benefits?

As a general rule, which health benefits you receive depends on your individual situation as a refugee. 

If a refugee receives money (Arbeitlosengeld) from the Jobcenter, he or she also has health insurance under the statutory health insurance (along with the right to health care, maternity and pregnancy benefits and prevention and early detection of diseases). 

If a foreigner receives social benefits, he is not covered by compulsory health insurance. He/she receives a health insurance card from the statutory health insurance company and canthat if necessary, receive health care services corresponding to the scope of the statutory health insurance services. The costs incurred in connection with care shall be covered by social welfare. 

Beneficiaries, under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act, are entitled only to medical and dental care (necessary for the treatment of acute illnesses and pain conditions - including the provision of medicines and dressings and other services necessary for the recovery, improvement or alleviation of illness and the consequences of illness). 

Refugees are further entitled to immunization and screening. 

The situation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany - what is the housing situation like?

As part of the social benefits available, you are also entitled to a housing benefit, e.g. in the form of a rent payment. To receive such a benefit, you must apply (as for other benefits) to the Jobcenter. However, what if there is no housing available on the private market?  

Every day, thousands of Ukrainians arrive in Germany seeking refuge from the war. Refugee shelter is provided in addition to the social allowance, which, for example, for a mother with two children is around €930 per month. However, to understand what awaits Ukrainian refugees in Germany, it is important to remember that there is currently a severe housing shortage in Germany. 

So where are the Ukrainian refugees staying?

All the necessary information in this regard can be obtained at In addition to emergency accommodation provided by the state, temporary accommodation can also be found. For information about emergency accommodation, please contacttate directly to the service border police, such as the Bundespolizei (Federal Police), whichwhich will directo to a place of accommodation. There you are given a place to sleep, food and possible further support until you find permanent accommodation. On top of this, plenty of private individuals provide a place to sleep at the i 

There are no uniform minimum standards for refugee housing in Germany. Most large cities - such as Berlin or Munich - no longer have space to accommodate refugees or available housingń social services, so refugees have to be accommodated wherever space can be found for them, especially on field beds in school sports halls etc. 

In such a situation, it is advisable to look for housing on the private market on your own or with the help of numerous institutions such as Jobcenter or help desks for Ukrainians.ents. If you find accommodation in this way and intend to stay there for a longer period of time, you must register with the local Town Hall. 

To register, you will need the following documents: 

  • passport or identity card; 
  • Anlaufbescheinigung - a certificate obtained upon arrival in Germany; 
  • Fiktionsbescheinigung, i.e. a certificate of application for a residence permit from the Ausländerbehörde (Aliens Office); 
  • Meldebescheinigung - certificate of registration in a particular city; 
  • lease agreement; 
  • confirmation of payment of rent to the landlord; 
  • Children's birth certificates and marriage certificates - in the case of spouses - will also be useful. 

We hope that we have succeeded in briefly introducing you to the subject of the protection of Ukrainian citizens and their families on German territory. If you need support in this area, please write or call us: tel,

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