Windykacja należności od kontrahenta z Włoch – kluczowe aspekty i praktyczne przykłady
Współpraca z zagranicznymi partnerami daje polskim przedsiębiorcom szansę na rozwój i zdobywanie nowych rynków. Jednak czasem konieczna okazuje się windykacja
Współpraca z zagranicznymi partnerami daje polskim przedsiębiorcom szansę na rozwój i zdobywanie nowych rynków. Jednak czasem konieczna okazuje się windykacja
Dziedziczenie z elementem międzynarodowym często rodzi wiele wątpliwości prawnych. Szczególnie istotną kwestią jest odrzucenie spadku w Szwajcarii przez polskiego spadkobiercę.
Medical devices, due to their specific nature and potential health risks, are subject to strict regulation in Germany and
The introduction of dietary supplements onto the German market involves compliance with a number of regulations at both national and EU level. Supplements
NGOs in Germany (Nichtregierungsorganisationen) play a key role in the country's society. As one of the most developed countries in the European Union, Germany,
The timber trade in the European Union (EU) is a rapidly growing economic sector. As a key renewable raw material, wood plays an important role
Introduction: the road to a career as an international lawyer A career as an international lawyer is a fascinating journey full of decisions, challenges and constant development. What really
What is a contract of carriage under Polish law? What types of contract of carriage are there? A contract of carriage (commonly referred to as a transport order) is one of the
Currently, more and more entrepreneurs are taking the decision to expand abroad. However, starting a stationary business can sometimes be risky, due to the relatively
The cross-border transportation of waste is an increasingly important aspect of the global economy. This article presents basic information on the procedures and documents necessary
We have extensive experience in cross-border and international cases, as well as comprehensive legal services for foreigners. As an International Law Firm, we have been operating successfully for many years, working with specialists in various fields of law.
We speak Polish, Russian, German, Spanish and English.
We specialise in international law, offering comprehensive legal services to companies and individual clients in Poland and abroad.
Our areas of practice include commercial, corporate and labour law, with a focus on the needs of German-speaking businesses.
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