Attendance allowance and Kindergeld

Kindergeld for Poles in Germany - this is worth knowing in practice

Kindergeld - what does it consist of?

When are you entitled to Kindergeld?

Which parent will receive Kindergeld?

Until when can Kindergeld be collected?

Familienkasse as granting authority for the Kindergeld benefit

How high is the Kindergeld benefit?

Kindergeld, 500+, KRUS insurance and differential supplement - how do I combine these?

Elterngeld, Witwenrente, Altersrente - what other benefits from Germany are available?

Kindergeld in questions and answers:

PLN currency account no:
75 1140 2004 0000 3102 4199 4564

Account number in EURO currency:

EN06 1140 2004 0000 3712 0262 9871

Account number in GBP currency:

EN48 1140 2004 0000 3112 2200 9427

Account number in USD currency:

EN5711 4020 0400 0039 1222 4667 13


Please include the first name and surname of the person concerned in the title.